Jus’ a wee bit

It is beginning to feel more and more like home here overseas.  Whilst wandering the cobblestone streets, I have discovered a sweet organic market three blocks from my flat and other amazing coffee shops, specifically: Elephants and Bagels and Café Kilimanjaro.  I find wandering the best way of discovering new things in such a beautiful city because it gives one the chance to really absorb the architecture, the people, the smells of the food and the sounds of the bagpipes echo-ing the city (and yes, there really are bagpipers everywhere).  As I sit in my room, I look out my window to see the Pentland hills and the ski slopes that run there during the wintertime.  It makes me feel like I am not even living in city, being surround by such beautiful scenery.

Last night I met with a couple of my fellow graduate students at a pub called The Doctors and we began the night by telling our stories, drinking pints and watching a football game on the tele…later it turned into a night full of laughter, dancing and free spirits.  I am so lucky and blessed to be here and be able to get to know people of all walks of life and from all over (Germany, the Netherlands, England, Scotland and the U.S. just last night!).  We are a bunch of idealist outdoor enthusiasts with hopes of changing the education systems worldwide!  Such an amazing bunch, and there are still many more to meet.

Today marked my first Saturday in Edinburgh and you know what that means? Farmers Market day! I wandered (lost for a little bit of the time) until I turned the corner around a street that sits below Edinburgh Castle and there it was! Incredible.  Fresh, local Scottish meats, cheese, fruit, bread, veggies, ice cream, etc. Nothin’ better that getting some organic Scottish brie, strawberries and some kale to brighten up my day!  The most unreal part of the whole experience was looking up to see the Castle which has been there for hundreds of years, where knights and kings and warriors fought battles and looked out upon their land with their own dreams of what the future would look like.

Edinburgh is a place like no other I have been before and I feel so incredibly lucky to have this opportunity…and I cannot wait for my dear friends and family to come and visit this city.

Arrival in Edinburgh

As I arrived in Edinburgh, UK. I spent all of my time in the taxi ride to my B&B staring out upon the cloudy and foggy meadows with small stone homes that outlined the airport. The taxi-driver was able to quickly maneuver through the various streets and roads and as he was doing so, I smiled as I watched my new home speed past me. I immediately felt that I was meant to be in this place. Edinburgh sits surrounded by ancient Scottish castles and churches along with rolling hills stretching out in the distance. The brick and stone buildings that line the cobblestone and paved streets create and entertain a mythical feel that has maintained its roots for ages upon ages. After a day of walking through this magical place, I find that 1. My feet ache (and) 2. I cannot believe this is my new home (and finally) 3. Out of all the places I have traveled, the Scots are by far the sweetest, most friendly bunch of them all.

"Who possesses this landscape? the man who bought it or I who am possessed by it? False questions, for this landscape is masterless and intractable in any terms that are human." – Norman MacCaig